Ok so havent written in a while but....
So me n my friend went to the Lil Wayne concert in Hammersmith Apollo in London as I am OBSSESD with him, hes so yummy n his music is the best, and we arrived four hours before the doors open to queue so we could be at the front, and it was a success... So we are at the front and we were really pissed off cos we met these two scottish girls who were bragging about how they knew all the celebs and shit and then inside the apollo, it gets announced that there are a few backstage passes to give away, and they would be giving it to his number one fan, and im sorry bt i was screaming so loud my eyeballs nearly popped out and they completely ignored everyone and went str8 up to the scottish girls and gave them the passes, so it was obviously rigged but we were so jealous and bummed out... Anyways Weezy came out shortly and he is so delicious and it was so amazing and then .... the best moment of my life happened.... Dwayne Michael Carter III himself, Mr WEEZY F. BABY looks me dead in the eyes, and leans down to the front where we were and hands me his fitted hat. YES, HANDS it to me. He didn't throw it into the crowd, or just chuck it, he looked me dead in my eyes and put it in my hands. As you can imagine there were bare girls tryna get the hat but he moved their hands away and gave me the hat... ME ! ME ME ME ME ME !! You cannot imagine how i felt at this moment in time... my knees went week and i just couldnt believe it, neither could my friend. I am now sittin in my living room with LIL WAYNES hat on my head... dont believe me, check out the pics of him wearing it that i took below, and then the pics of me !! AHHHHH !! Its a size 8 lol so a bit big but im so fuking happy !! Young Mooooolaaah babyyyyy !!
(Below, Outside the apollo)
(Below, Weezy and Chanel)
(Below- Isnt he so sexy?)
(Below : Ahhh his cheeky smile!)
(Below: Look @ His BODY! )
(Below- Weezy and Birdman! HES WEARING THE HAT !)
(Below: WEEZY siting next to MY HAT!)
(Below : Weezy wearing the hat he HANDED ME!)
(Below: ME wearing WEEZYS ACTUAL HAT!!)
Peas and Lurv xoxo