Hello Hello!
I have been absent for a while, illness, lack of imagination, the usual haha but wanted to share my latest love affair with my lovely readers, and it is definitely a love that will last as it is with the best foundation I have ever used, Nars Sheer Glow!
I have gone from foundation to foundation over the years, and seemed to always go back to my Mac Studio fix fluid foundation, or fluctuated between that & clarins amongst others but never had never really fallen 'in love' with a foundation, in other words found that foundation that gives me the coverage, glow and natural look that I have always longed for in a foundation, opposed to having good days and bad days with my foundation, like I used to.
Long story short, the reason I had been really searching recently is because of my upcoming nuptials and thanks to recommendation, I came across this foundation which forever changed the game for me.
As you can see from the photos above (which have NO effects, retouching or any type of enhancement) the foundation leaves my skin looking flawless, with good coverage, but without looking cakey, powdery, dry or patchy. In other words, its AMAZING.
I hope my review has helped you guys out if you were indeed wondering about this foundation, and if so I would definitely recommend asking for a sample or to get matched to your skin tone!
Til next time, lots of love xoxo